Higher School of “Information Technologies” of West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University named after Zhangir Khan in the framework of Erasmus+ project “Advanced Center for Doctoral Students and Young Researchers in Informatics” (ACeSYRI) on October 17 held an international conference on the theme “SMART CITY: TECHNOLOGIES AND INNOVATION”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the university.

The conference was attended by foreign scientists from different countries, Zaitseva Elena, PhD, professor, University of Zilina (Slovakia), Peter Marton, PhD, professor, University of Zilina (Slovakia), Sytina Nadezhda S., PhD, professor, BSPU named after Akmulla, (Russia), etc., as well as teachers of the higher school of “Information Technology” and students majoring in “Information Systems and Technologies”.

The discussion covered such relevant topics as «Prognostic and Health Management as Smart Technology of Industry 4.0», «Application of artificial intelligence technologies in education», «Intrusion detection system based on neural networks», «Artificial intelligence and public transportation: improving schedule accuracy and delay prediction», «5G and edge computing for low latency communication in Smart city systems» and many other research areas. The conference ended successfully and the participants obtained valuable scientific results.

Smart city



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