On April 29, at the Higher School of Crop Production Technology and on April 30, 2020, at the conference “Soil Protection and rational use of land resources” of the Agrotechnological Faculty, senior lecturer, PhD doctor of the Higher School of Crop Production Technology A.K. Kushenbekova conducted two introductory works with the Erasmus + «Enhancement of Postgraduate Studies on Sustainable Agriculture and Future Farming Systems – SAGRIS».
During the reports, the project deadlines, common goals, objectives of the project, EU universities, RF universities, RK partner universities, research organizations and consulting partners, associate partners, project participants of the Zhangir Khan State Technical University were presented.
The results of work on the modules “Smart agriculture and digitalization”, “Crop and livestock production systems in the conditions of climate change” are also presented.
At the end of the reports, the listeners actively asked questions and received exhaustive answers. The listeners expressed their positive wishes for further work to all the project teachers.