On November 10, 2020, a scheduled online conference of the interuniversity working group on Module 2 was held (MWG) “Crop and livestock systems under climate change” of the international project Erasmus+ SAGRIS was held online. The video conference was organized by Michal Lostak, Prof., Ph.D. First Vice-Rector Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic. Participants of the videoconference were responsible for the module and representatives of Zhangir Khan WKATU, S. Seifullin KATU, KazNAU, BSAA, SSAU, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague.
Our University was represented by the working group at the videoconference: responsible for module 2-acting associate Professor, PhD Nagieva A. G.
The venue is online.
Michal Loštak delivered a greeting and an overview of the agenda of the meeting.
The task is to discuss a ready-made (agreed between partner universities of Kazakhstan and Russian universities) draft module in accordance with the presented template, taking into account comments and suggestions.
Competencies were discussed and adjusted so that there were no junctions with the competencies of other modules, work on comments on methods and forms of training, each method was briefly described, etc.
The next step, i.e. by the beginning of December, it is necessary for the working group to submit the finished draft of the module in accordance with the presented template and worked out according to the comments.