This coordination meeting was organized by representatives of Nazarbayev University and University of Žilina on March 11, 2021. The meeting was held on ZOOM platform of Nazarbayev University. Twenty-three representatives of all project participants took part at the meeting. The main meeting’s goal was presented a real state and next works per each project’s work-package. It is supporting to increase of the WP leaders’ responsibility into project development. The meeting was organized in accordance with WP1.3. Management visits.
Leaders of each WP described current state and presented next activities for packages’ development. So, Quality Control (QC) officer presented the first annual QC report per 2020. The average mark of the project implementation was 4.86 points from 10. The QC officer indicated WPs with lower and high average marks. Some recommendation about improvement of the project implementation have been present too. Representatives of project coordinator presented reached milestones in 2020. Two milestones have not been reached only. One of them is visits of Kazakhstan Universities representatives to EU. Other one is finishing of hardware purchase. These activities are not principal and their implementation depends from COVID restriction. The list of next milestones which should be achievement in a nearest future has been presented at the meeting. The most of them deal with the portal usage. Some essential moments in correct preparation of financial documents have been explained.
The head of the programmer team introduces the project participants with portal’s technical features. Leaders of WP.4, WP.6 and WP.7 presented his proposals for formalization and increase of Raising the level of partnership, project results disseminations and project sustainability. We are going to increase formalization of supported activities and more wide disseminate information about obtained results. So, the current version of the ACeSYRI Dissemination Plan has been presented by representatives of AUPET.
Representatives of KazNRTU offered some examples on how to demonstrate the current state and implementation of raising the partnership’s level in each partner University. Several events for project sustainability have been declared. These events are oriented to project results dissemination and increase of young researchers’ potentials.