On June 16, 2020, the first meeting of the modular working group on Module 4 “Transdisciplinary research methods for sustainable agriculture” was held under the Erasmus + project “Improving Postgraduate Research on Sustainable Agriculture and Agricultural Future Agricultural Systems (SAGRIS)”
The meeting was attended by the responsible and modular representatives of the following universities: DITSL Witzenhausen, Nuertingen-Geislingen University, Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University, Kazakh National Agrarian University, A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University, Buryat State Academy of Agriculture, Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Stavropol State Agrarian University. In videoconference Our university was represented by: Bogdashkina I.V., Zakirova F.B., and Montayeva N.S. At the meeting, acquaintance of all project participants was held, tasks and preliminary dates of the next meeting were agreed.